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While this should already be common knowledge, it really deserves to be said again: Pictures are important in e-commerce!

However, just to make it clear to any doubters and fence-sitters, and to drive it home to the non-believers, here’s a list of five reasons quality photos can make the difference between sale, or no sale.

The first impression is a lasting impression

Pictures are usually the first thing to catch the attention of the customer, and is the first impression your product will leave before the name of the product, its price or specifications. 

A picture is worth a thousand words

An an excellently-taken picture is priceless. Well, at the very least, it will attract customers. No matter how verbose you are, no amount of verbiage can replace the clarity and simplicity of a picture so your customers to know what they are buying. As the customer would not be able to physically handle the product over the internet, you better believe that high quality pictures from multiple angles are the next best thing.

Helps Your Brand be Associated with Dedication

Having professional-quality photos help to show your dedication towards providing the best service you can, marking efficiency and proficiency as words associated with your brand. High quality photos are also likely to bring repeat customers, as they will then start to trust your brand more, who will likely recommend your brand to their friends (word-of-mouth, social media, you get the idea), thus growing your brand organically.

Be a cut above your competitors

However unique your product is, it is unlikely that you are the only one selling it. High quality pictures are one of the ways you can make your product more attractive than the ten other versions out there. Remember point 1, that first impression is important, and customers are more likely to pick a brand with high-quality, enticing photos, especially if the prices are the same.

Increase sales and lower product returns

Investing in quality photos and a clear, concise, yet informative description of your product increases the likelihood of you sealing a deal, especially if the product is of a higher price range. A more informed buying experience increases trust in your brand, and lowers the chances of customers returning products.


And there you have it.

Hopefully, this will help you on your first step towards taking better pictures for your e-store, and start making the most of your online business. 

However, if you still feel lost regarding how to take quality pictures, or just need a proper studio, head on down to the Selangor Digital Creative Centre, where there is a ready Photo Booth and helpful advice waiting for you!