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On 23 April 2019, SITEC held an E-Commerce class on Visual Content Strategy, which was led by Coach Hussin Khan, Master Trainer at EFXCO.  Attended by 125 people, it also saw guest speakers Anderson Chow of SUPERVIDEO and Kah Hing of Meekco.Asia speak as well.

According to Coach Hussin, Visual Content comprises things we see, read, or interact with on the internet. They can be photos, videos, slideshows, infographics, etc, and 80% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing. Visual Content is way more popular than textual information as people are visual beings and process visual content 60,000 times faster than plain text. In fact, for video alone, 63% has surpassed blogging as a social media marketing tool.

The Content Ecosystem comprises tools, technology, platform and talent.

Types of technologies include VR (Virtual Reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and Deep Learning. Industry standard tools include the Adobe Creative Suite, Maxon Cinema 4D, Blender 3D, Unity, and Nuke. Platforms include Social Media such as Facebook and Instagram, Mobile, Youtube & Vimeo, blogging platforms, and film and TV. Video makes up 80% of web traffic, and many platforms prioritise video content in their listing algorithms.

In a poll conducted by Marketing Profs in 2010, the biggest challenge faced by visual content creators is producing engaging content. Other issues include volume of content, budgets, lack of C-level buy-in, and variety.

He also shared that talents needed for visual content come from the creative industry, such as digital designers, UX/UI designers, motion graphers, graphic designers, unity developers, and Visual Effects (VFX) artists.

Video for e-Commerce Marketing

It is estimated that by 2020, 80% of global internet traffic will be through online videos. On Youtube itself, there is a 70% growth of search for ‘How-to’ videos – year on year!

Guest speaker Anderson Chow shared that, and some compelling statistics about video content. Did you know that 72% of consumers prefer video content over text when learning about a product and service? It was also found that 53% of them engage with a brand after watching a video on social media, whereas 35% of consumers want to find out more through links at the end of the video, of which 41% comprise millennials.

When it comes to e-Commerce, video is important because it attracts new customers, increases conversions, and increase average order values. Some of the types of e-commerce appropriate videos include ‘how-to’s, product-in-use, close-up, installation, and story.

Interestingly, 56% of consumers interested in personal electronics find videos important when shopping online, whereas 52% think so for household appliances. Conversely, clothing and makeup and personal care products see 35% and 27% interest in videos by consumers respectively.

He then shared more about the kinds of platforms for visual content, and what counts as video views on these platforms.  Some of the common mistakes people make with video content include not having a strategic approach, an over-reliance on youtube, and inadequate promotion. He shared 3 strategies for video: 1) To inspire the audience with emotional and relatable stories; 2) To educate the audience with useful information, and 3) to entertain the audience by making them laugh or share spectacular content.

He also shared tips for effective video content, such as early attention grabbing techniques, keeping it short, branding first, optimise the use of time, and not having any sound.

The importance of Visuals in Business

Kah Hing from Meekco.Asia spoke about branding and the use of well-placed visuals with creative copywriting that accentuate it, as commonly seen in ads by McDonald’s or Nike. Creativity in ads increases brand recall, and a great user experience (UX) retains customers longer on the site. Social media boosts a brand’s impression.

He shared a step by step process for a visual content strategy: 1) Setting goals, 2) Defining Target Audience, 3) Content Mix, 4) Social Channels, 5) Process (execution).

Source: Sitec News