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On the 7th of December, over 150 students from the University of Selangor (UniSel) took part in a visit to the Selangor Digital Creative Centre (SDCC), with the Selangor Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (SITEC) taking them on a tour of the facility, as well as speaking to them about e-Commerce and the local startup scene.

After a presentation introducing SITEC along with the organisation’s aims and efforts, the students were offered insights and information about the e-Commerce industry, with the Online 100 program as well as a representative from YouBeli offering the merchant and marketplace perspectives of e-Commerce. The startup manager of SITEC also spoke about the startup community at the SDCC and in Selangor as well, offering the students a glimpse into a possible future.

The students were then taken on a tour of the facility, and were also informed that SITEC does have internship programs for those who were interested.

Source: Sitec News