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雪蘭莪資訊科技與電子商務理事會(SITEC)於2018年4月3日舉行了2018年的第九場電子商務講座,這場由SITEC Academy總監吳文彬先生主講的網店管理,同時這也是今年的第二場中文講座,反應熱烈共吸引了89名學員。Wofollow业务总监Gary Boon方浩全先生為講座嘉賓,他以本身的運作經驗,為學員提供電子商務的要訣。 吳文彬: 流量提高轉換率...
Analysing Data: A Holy Grail in the pursuit of return customers?

Analysing Data: A Holy Grail in the pursuit of return customers?

On the 27th of March, 2018, the Selangor Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (SITEC) held its E-Commerce Class on Data Analysis, with a solid 100 participants turning up at the Selangor Digital Creative Centre (SDCC) to attend the class. Coach Sunny Ooi,...
Your Pretty E-Store is Useless Without Traffic … and other Things You Need to Know about Product Management

Your Pretty E-Store is Useless Without Traffic … and other Things You Need to Know about Product Management

On the 20th of March, 2018, the Selangor Information Technology and E-Commerce Council organised its second Bahasa Malaysia  E-Commerce Class of the year at the Selangor Digital Creative Centre (SDCC), which saw 72 people attending the class on product management....
Asia-Pacific Market: A Good Start for Flexible e-Businesses

Asia-Pacific Market: A Good Start for Flexible e-Businesses

On 6 March 2018, Selangor Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (SITEC) organised its first Chinese-language e-commerce class on the e-Tail process, Mobile Commerce and Understanding O2O, to an audience of 80.The class was led by Coach Goh Boon Peng, Director...
Memperkenalkan e-Dagang dengan SITEC

Memperkenalkan e-Dagang dengan SITEC

Kelas E-Dagang Bahasa Malaysia pertama 2018, yang dianjurkan oleh Majlis Teknologi Maklumat dan E-Dagang Selangor (SITEC), telah diadakan pada 6 Februari, dengan 54 peserta menghadiri kelas yang diadakan di Pusat Kreatif Digital Selangor (SDCC). Sulaiman Mokhtar,...