+603-5521 8580 info@sidec.com.my

These eCommerce companies are targeted these smart phone users through mobile website and due to this mobile website Mobile Commerce came in existence.
This mCommerce is beneficial for both type of businesses large scale and small scale. •The mobile users increase day by day, so through mCommerce your business gets large and growing market place for wild range of goods and services. Mobile is the only technology which is now become necessary for any person in social and business life than computers. So, it is easy to reach users through mCommerce.
12018 SITEC EC 102: Mobile Commerce - Part 137m
22018 SITEC EC 102: Mobile Commerce - Part 234m
32017 SITEC EC 103: Mobile Commerce - Part 230m
42017 SITEC EC 103: Mobile Commerce - Part 132m
52017 SITEC EC 103: Mobile Commerce - Part 326m