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What is the most common mistake startup founders make during early growth? Not establishing a strong legal structure off the bat. While it’s tempting to dig into the vision for your company and start making your idea a reality, it’s important that founders pause and cover their legal bases.

1Secure Sales by Knowing Your Customers in Depth30m
2How to Know What a Customer Needs & Wants?21m
3E-Commerce and its Connection to the Global Marketplace39m
4Price, Place, Promotion, Product? Develop Your Marketing Strategy with the 4Ps!27m
5Different Types of E-Commerce and How it Applies to Your Business?22m
6Marketing Is Not Just About Sales, It Is More Than That33m
7Strategies to Guarantee Your Start up Success35m
8Exploring Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce23m
9The Top 10 Mistakes of Entrepreneurs36m
10There Are Always Risks Involve in Every Level of Business, Startup Included27m