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[kad_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/u_ybnUk0iFM” ]
Module : Facebook Marketing 302

  • Coach                    – Jason Gan, CEO Tribeup               

                                          Jacksion Yang, Founder of EGrowthify Sdn Bhd  

Since Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world, Facebook marketing has become one of the biggest digital channels in terms of new opportunities. Unfortunately, many businesses assume that social media websites, particularly

Facebook, are just a platform to broadcast your brand message to the millions of people who use the platform. When that does not work, many of these businesses will just give up and declare that Facebook does not work for them. However Facebook does have a secret in boosting your sales and marketing.

Importance of Social Media Marketing

  • Facebook advertising is the most targeted form of advertising.
  • Facebook Advertising is the cheapest form of advertising.
  • Facebook advertising can engage your website visitors.

Do you wish to know more about connecting your product with Facebook ? Click on the video and slides provided for more info.


       The slides are available below :

  • By Jason Gan


  • By Jacksion Yang

12019 SITEC EC CLASS - Online Marketing 302 : Facebook Marketing33m
22018 SITEC EC 302: Facebook Marketing - Part 137m
32018 SITEC EC 302: Facebook Marketing - Part 220m