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Product and Content Management facilitates the way a business’s product or service is delivered to the consumer. It is the overall experience the consumer faces, from browsing for a product, to its eventual delivery to their doorstep, and encompasses the whole process from product sourcing to last mile delivery. Having the right product is one thing, but ensuring that it is supplemented with the right content so your consumer can make an informed and educated decision is also important.

1Six Trends Changing Consumer Behavior36m
2Secure Sales by Knowing Your Customers in Depth26m
3A Good Product is One That Solve Problems, Know What Makes a "Good" Product35m
4How to Know What a Customer Needs & Wants?37m
5E-Commerce Content Management30m
6What is Consumer Behaviour?39m
7Market Sensing: Consumer Behavior Influences23m
82019 SITEC EC CLASS - E-Commerce Process 201: Content Management37m
92019 SITEC 电子商务课程 201CN:内容管理36m
102018 SITEC EC 201: Content Management - Part 134m
112018 SITEC EC 201: Content Management - Part 238m
122020 Kelas E-Dagang SITEC 305bm: Content Management & Strategy39m
132017 SITEC EC 201: Product and Content Management - Part 238m
142017 SITEC EC 201: Product and Content Management - Part 140m