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雪蘭莪資訊科技與電子商務理事會(SITEC)於2018年4月3日舉行了2018年的第九場電子商務講座,這場由SITEC Academy總監吳文彬先生主講的網店管理,同時這也是今年的第二場中文講座,反應熱烈共吸引了89名學員。Wofollow业务总监Gary Boon方浩全先生為講座嘉賓,他以本身的運作經驗,為學員提供電子商務的要訣。









這場講座的嘉賓是电商服务公司Wofollow业务总监Gary Boon方浩全,該公司服务的客户包括中国著名手机品牌商、本地著名厨房炊具品牌、国际运动品牌代理商等主要客户。





Basics of Webstore Management

On 3 April 2018, Selangor Information Technology and E-Commerce Council (SITEC) organised its ninth e-commerce class of the year. The talk, also the second Chinese-language class of the year, attracted 89 attendees. Speakers of the day were EC Class Manager Goh Boon Peng and guest speaker Gary Boon, business director of Wofollow.

Goh Boon Peng: Higher website traffic flow, higher conversion rate
Goh started by sharing his e-Commerce experiences in Taiwan and Malaysia. In the past, a marketing programme possibly took up one whole month, as businesses had to prepare printed marketing collateral as well as distribute them in advance.

In the internet era, however, Goh said that businesses could conduct three marketing events on the same day.

However, why do they have to do three campaigns in one day?

“That is because you need to communicate with numerous clients, for you have no idea what they are thinking about. So you need to do testing, investigation and surveys to collect information.

The process is a reminder that you need to communicate with various clients,” he added.

Attendees were advised to collate clients’ feedback to improve their business and increase website traffic flow. Businesses could also work with their partners to disseminate advertisements – according to Goh, traffic is a key part of the e-Commerce process, for it determines revenue and conversion rate.

“In Malaysia, the conversion rate is about one to two per cent. Even in places where e-Commerce is vibrant, the conversion rate is no more than four per cent. You can achieve more than four per cent, if your marketing programme targets potential clients very accurately. In a mature e-Commerce market, such as in Taiwan, the conversion rate is about four per cent,” he concluded.

Gary Boon: Various channels to increase traffic
Second speaker of the day was Gary Boon, whose company Wofollow served clients from different business fields, including a renowned Chinese mobile phone brand; a local kitchen equipment company; and the dealer of an international sports brand.

During the class, Boon shared ten key points to manage online businesses, as well as a quicker method to set up online business by joining bigger e-Commerce platforms, as well as tips on client management.

“By replying to customers’ private messages, we know more about them and we can give them special offers. With this service, we have helped our client companies increase the conversion rate. Occasionally, we thought that consumers are not interested in products. But when we communicated with them, we realised that they do actually care about price,”   Boon, who is also the co-founder of Wofollow.

Summing up his speech, he suggested several methods to create traffic: social media; online media; real-time bidding; blogging; and cross-industry alliance.